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Leather Lounge
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Tips for Choosing the Colour of Your Leather Lounge

Leather sofas have become a popular source of comfort in many living rooms these days. They are known for their timeless appeal like the Chesterfield, which has an air of vintage rustic charm. There are also low-slung leather chairs that are known for its sleek lines and bold modern designs. The consensus is that your living room lounge should match either the colour of your wall or floor. But we are here to refute that old-fashioned claim. Here are a few tips on choosing the colour of your leather chair or sofa.

Interior Décor

The décor of your sitting area is a significant factor in deciding the colouring of your leather sofa. It should be in contrast to the floor, carpet or wall panels. A neutral- coloured lounge should be accentuated with a brightly covered floor rug. Neutral sofas also match any walls regardless of colouring. If you want the sofa to be the centrepiece of your living area, go for a dominant colour with bold hues.

Tanning Process

There are two types of hides in lounge chairs- top grain and split leather. The top-grain is stronger and durable. The split-leather is fragile and liable to stretching. Beige, browns and creams are popular colours on leather lounges. This is because they are neutral building blocks. It is easy to match the elements of your décor around them. White leather lets you add any accessories to it that suits your mood. Black leather is a bold choice for an elegant design with minimal décor.

Lounge Use

If your lounge area is a popular room in the house where people regularly gather, it is best to use lounges with darker colours. This is because they may wear off fast or get spills that might stain. Lounges that are not used regularly have lighter shades. Neutral colours also have the advantage of Concealing stains or hiding signs of ageing. Furthermore, warm neutral options can fit in any space without looking out of place. This means that they do not require to be replaced in case you change the décor of your house.

Exposure to Elements

Leather loses its colour when exposed to natural light. They are also damaged by spillage if not wiped off immediately. To prevent wear and tear, ensure that your leather lounge has an oil and wax finish. You should consider the position of your lounge in relation to the flow of sun rays in the room and style of your décor. Treated leather will resist stains and spills, and are easy to clean.

Bold and Colourful

Be daring with your lounge colour in a style that matches your aesthetic. Royal and wine reds are bold and impactful. Green has a warm earthy tone that is soothing and will make you relax. If you are more daring with a unique style, orange and mustard colour will go well with you.


For those with a young family, don’t go for white or cream leather colour choices. If not, you will have to clean the leather from stains and spills. Go for a dark colour like black or brown. These are practical and easier to maintain.

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