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Save the Planet and Your Money

By cutting down on your power usage, you are also reducing the amount of fossil fuels that have to be processed and converted into electricity. In this post, we aim to give you some tips to reduce your carbon footprint and slash the cost of your electricity bill.


Go Green

You can go green by installing solar on your house. The initial cost can be quite daunting, but if you’re a homeowner, you will reap the financial and environmental rewards down the track.  Solar energy is an abundant source of renewable power and could very well replace the need to burn fossil fuels. The best part about solar is that you can make money. All the unused energy created can be sold back to the power companies and used elsewhere. Your power bill expense will be in the green rather than in the red.

You can also opt to grow green on your existing energy plan. Unfortunately, it costs a few dollars extra though. The money you spend goes to building and maintaining the renewable energy infrastructure. Hopefully, in the future, we can eradicate our dependence on fossil fuel and make our planet a cleaner, greener environment to live.


Cutting Down on Usage

You can make minor changes to your lifestyle that will help you cut down on your electricity bill and reduce your carbon footprint. Did you know that heating and cooling your home are responsible for forty percent of your total energy usage? You can dramatically reduce this figure by making a few small changes. Instead of cranking the air conditioning, open the doors and windows to get a fresh draft blowing through the house. If that doesn’t cut the mustard, use a ceiling or pedestal fan instead. Fans use far less energy than the air conditioner.

Hot water is the second highest energy drain coming in at twenty-one percent. You reduce the amount of hot water you use by taking faster showers. There is wood fired ovens on the market that can be hooked into your hot water system and don’t require the use of electricity. So if you like a long shower but want to make a difference, this is an option for you.

Appliances contribute to a substantial portion of your bill. This tip is a bit of a no brainer. If you’re not using an appliance, switch it off and unplug it from the wall. This is an especially good tip if you plan on going on holiday for an extended period.

Do your part for the environment and save yourself some money in the process by cutting cost on your electricity bill. You can also call your electricity company and ask about green power. If they don’t have any options, it might be time to switch your energy provider and go with a company who is conscious of the environmental the environmental impact of fossil fuel powered electricity.


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