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Car Maintenance Goals for 2018

Let’s chat about #cargoals! Nah, not talking about that Maserati that you want to buy for yourself one day, we’re talking about your own car – the one that you have already right now. Until you get your hands on your dream ride then “if you can’t be with the one you love, honey, love the one you’re with”… (apologies to Crosby, Stills & Nash).

Hey, your car, as they say, is an extension of yourself? Are you a rusty banger that doesn’t give a…? Or do you care about yourself a little bit more than that? I know that I do. So, I’m going to start off my list of car maintenance goals for 2018. Feel free to pick and choose as you wish.

Service my car on time

Ah, that little sticker on my windshield reminding when to take Ms Maz. (the non-Maserati) in for a service when she’s due. There have been times when I’ve gone way waaay over my dates and felt quite guilty to her about it. Those dates are there for a reason – to make sure that she keeps purring along nicely and doesn’t leave me stranded by the side of the freeway anytime soon or blow up in my face. You know, I’m not 100% happy with my current mechanic, so next time this year she’s due for a service I am going to take her to someone new – but it’s definitely going to be on time. You deserve it Maz!

Quarterly detailing

Maz deserves a little bit more love and affection (attention?) than just taking care of her insides. I need to take care of her outsides (and interior), too. Getting her detailed more often is high on my list of #carmaintenancegoals for 2018. She deserves better! I should treat her like the queen she is! She always loves a good detail, it takes years off her age. It’s kind of like when the Mrs goes in for a facial and some Botox, she says she always feels a million bucks and looks younger too! Next time I might even go in with her… but until then, Maz can have the car facial and Botox instead – every 3 months. Cause you deserve it Maz!

No scratches or scrapes

I’m not the best at parallel parking – especially forward parallel parking. Don’t tell anyone. So, instead of running the risk of looking like an absolute nong and trying 5 times to parallel park or run the risk of scraping poor Maz, this year I’m going to avoid parallel parking altogether. Or at least forward parallel parking. Reverse me and Maz can generally deal with. So if there’s a spot down at the harbour in Elizabeth Bay and there’s a pile of traffic behind me, I’m just going to turn the corner and try a back street instead. They say that patience is a virtue, so I can be patient and find a spot that I know I’ll be cool to get into. I’m sure that Maz will thank me later.

No Maccas in the car

Over the years, I’ve discovered that the lingering smell of stale McDonalds is one of the worst smells that can happen to any car. It might even be worse than the smell of stale ciggie smoke – the jury is still out. So, in 2018, I’ve banned McDonalds from Maz. It’s eat in, or Uber Eats. She cannot be used for transporting Maccas. No wonder all those taxi drivers from when I used to go out all the time refused to stop at McDonalds, even when I offered to buy them a cheeseburger…


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